In process, to be added to and refined, but some great specifics.


The message has not been received
How can the team improve "effective impact" dramatically?
More powerful, memorable phrases
Less effective messaging, examples
The need for powerful strong statements
Market testing and creating more impactful speaking
Listening and idea sharing for the betterment of all
Issues and responses, phrasing

Despite the best qualifications and greatest ability to benefit the nation, the message has not gotten through.

The proof: a tepid response.

The need: Strength, clarity.


No matter how good a message or qualifications, if the facts do not get through clearly and strongly, there will be poor results.  Romney has immense qualifications and abilities, yet his reception is 'tepid' at best and often the message does not even register.

If he is not coached and trained better in his speaking, then there must be an improved back up marketing and messages program.  His good points and record must be brought up dramatically and effectively by others, with impactful quotes mixed in.   The most effective piece I have seen for him is one done for him related to his governorship.  (See the video:  Governor Mitt Romney - An Introduction, if link is broken, enter the title in YouTube.)

After looking deeply at his record and capabilities and see how astoundingly good they are, I am profoundly disappointed in the effectiveness of his team.  I do not mean to criticize them, as I know they are involved and busy in the 'battle', so I seek to hopefully contribute ideas that will increase the effectiveness of his campaign.  Though I am non-political, I can see that MItt Romney is the best for the country, so I would like to contribute to the country as I see his Presidency as the most effective Presidency ever.


I think that this question has not been asked nor has there been a true, highly creative group involved in a brainstorming session on how to dramatically increase the 'effective impact' of the messages.

The backyard or small meetings or even the speeches are not very impactful.  There is little promotion of his record.  One has to dig alot to get the entire picture - but few will do that.  He is competing based on surface factors, where BS and rhetoric tend to rule - if his campaign can communicate his actual qualifications and abilities, then there would be no contest.  He needs to take the campaign from low impact and also from trying to impact small groups to a level where he can leverage himself.  Of course, he knows the advantages (and limitations) of leverage.

I would recommend his team develop several great videos and put them on YouTube, linked prominently on the first page of his site.  And then he should encourage networking, by sending messages that explain and encourage those who receive them to pass them on to others.   The minimum standard for the viewing of each key video should be no less than one million people (note that a review of YouTube show some abysmally low numbers.

I would recommend expert coaching on all of the items mentioned here and also feedback of the sort of Frank Lutz.  Also, see on the blog, using search engine, The Intangibles Of A Candidate.


In discussing the last election, Romney acknowledged that both he and Hilary had no strong identifying message that people would remember, while Obama had "Hope and Change".

Now he says his message is "I'm the guy who will put Americans back to work." 

But note that it is not resonating.  It is a claim of intention that is not dissimilar to other candidates.  And it is not memorable.  Yes, we want to "put people back to work", but why are you the guy to do it?

You say you 1. want to have a message, 2. communicate it clearly, and 3. be known for something.  But is that the case? 

I think not.

From what I can see, you are

The Master Problem Solver
The Solution Finder,
The CEO President for the prosperity of all the people.
The Solver In Chief [The Solution Finder In Chief]
Mitt Romney - The Results President


"The CEO President, for all the people."  [The Prosperity President?}

An astronomical difference in practical knowledge and capability.

Get people's opinions on what resonates!  Market test, don't just go forward on a guess and a prayer, please.  America needs you, Mr. Romney!


B, but... Two Different Plans.  Music is a bit much and could be offputting.  Close to tacky, perhaps.   Referring to buy Rick Perry's book does not seem like a good idea.  The points made are valid, but I'd end it with "we suggest you contrast this with Rick Perry's views."

B-  Believe In America  Needs a few stronger statements, some effectiveness, but very ignorable.  Too modest on his success, perhaps trying to be fair.

C+ Romney Addresses VFW Convention.  Though almost soporific in its start, it has some good content that can be emphasized.  That would be seen if the video is watch in a Frank Luntz market testing mode.

B Gov. Mitt Romney Florida CPAC Speach - Pretty good stuff on what was done on education and improving it; China; incentives; legal and illegal immigration and managing it;   .   His second best video, so far, in my review.

F A Day On The Road With Mitt.  Nobody has viewed it!  It's only 30 seconds long.  Forget it.  It is a waste, with no substance.

See More Videos, Romney Campaign, especially "Obama Isn't Working" series.


Ads are largely minimally effective, as there is little time to put forth the message - and they are expensive.  It would seem to make sense to leverage them into something that is deeper and more effective, as it may make a difference on the margin.

Each ad could have a "for further insights, do to [video]".  On that page would both be a link to written information and to a video that makes the point in more detail and more powerfully, to drive the watcher to a deeper understanding and interest.


Romney is polite and respectful and certain 'political' rhetoric does not fit him, nor does he carry it off well.  It is good that he has such high characters and values, but the way they impact the campaign is harmful - and the nation will be cheated if it is not strong enough, as he is the person who can lead this country most effectively - the most effectively in history. 

He must find a few statements to stand strongly for.  The response to the one time (which I can't recall the content of) powerfully strong statement in one of the debates was very good - but he hasn't done that again, that I have seen.  The force/strength with which he said it moved people, but the force was not objectionable as it was not oppositional but for a good value. 

Blame and criticism are not the means to solution.  I pledge absolutely to spend my time working for the benefits.  My record shows that is what I do.  Look at the results. Go to the website and see the facts for yourself.


The type of thing Frank Luntz does in testing reactions to speeches is what should be done for Romney's speeches and any videos.  It seems that the team is not as aware as they need to be of the ineffectiveness of these.  Obama is very effective, but often with little substance - but the point is that he wins anyway - how can a man with no experience become President otherwise?   Indeed, there is something to be learned there.


Sit-ins and concerns of young people.  Although there is likely to not be many votes cast for you, the opportunity lies in legitimately addressing their concerns.  Although a "wild" idea, I would recommend setting up a 'listening and brainstorming' session, in New York so they all can attend.  You would ask that this be based on a healthy conversation so that the message can be heard and constructive conversation can be engaged, acknowledging that blame and criticism does not work well - and taking a stand to stick to the values of not engaging in criticism and demeaning others.  The key concerns would be written on a large screen with a summary report being made so that the ideas and concerns are clear.  It must be made very, very clear that you expect them to come up with suggestions on how to solve problems, or at least lead the way toward the solutions.  "I have observed in team meetings that it is best to not engage in opposition and to expect each person to be responsible for suggesting at least a path to solving the problem." 

These people are a legitimate part of this society and are the future of America.  They must be heard, for one of the major things we are doing is trying to create the best future for them that we can.  Yes, there are not miracles that can satisfy all, but 'we will do the best we can - and we also will ask for your help - and we will follow through on whatever is feasible.'  

The rules and how to proceed and the commitments should be written down, with copies to all attending.

This would be history making. 


The greatest rule of selling is to address the key concern:  What In It For Me? 
WIIFM is the acronym.

You must make an absolute rule for yourself, no matter the make up of the audience, that you attempt to understand their concerns and to address whatever benefits you will attempt to give to them. 

This seems trite, but it is vital - and it is not being done adequately by your team.  Your message is not selling as well as it could be, as you actually will benefit those people, but should never leave it unstated as to how you will do that.


Social security and medicare.   I will absolutely protect social security and medicare - and I will find a way to make it work instead of allowing it to fail.

Corporations are people.  This idea is difficult to explain, as it appears to be non-sensical (and it is, a bit, despite the court having classified corporations as having the same rights as people).  Best to talk in terms of we need to promote the ease and effectiveness of doing business so that we can all prosper and have jobs.  I'll do what I can to make that happen and also to protect the people from any extremes.

Favoring the rich.  'I do not favor the rich.  I am here for the entire country.  I will assure that we do the best job of having safety nets and security for the people.  I will do my best to assure that we use balance, where we work toward having businesses succeed so they can employ more people, with assurance that excesses are prevented.  I commit to you to do my best for all of our citizens and to garner the resources and ideas to create that.'

Class warfare.  He must not get involved in any oppositional statements.  The people doing the sitins on Wall Street should never be classified as foolish or uninformed.  As with all situations:  I honor their concerns and I will work to address those to create what will work for their employment and to prevent any excesses of any organization.
I am, as my record shows, absolutely committed to finding and implementing what is effective and helpful for the people.  I have given alot of charity and support to those who are less fortunate and I will continue to support their cause, always, doing the best I can do.  [don't add a 'qualified' as it wimps lout the impact; 'within responsible limits' and 'practicality' obscures the statement and does not help; of course, that would be dealt with elsewhere, separately.]

Romney is a flip-flopper.  No, I'm an open-minded person who considers the facts and then decides.  I think you would not want a President who is fixed in his ways.  However, you can absolutely count on my sticking to the principles that are good for the country.  My record shows that I have consistently done my best to use those principles to create good for the people.  A video addressing this would be highly appropriate, as it involves a political smear and a weapon of untruth that should not be allowed to continue to persist.

Jobs going overseas.  It is unacceptable to have jobs that are good for our citizens go overseas. 

Perry's benefits for illegals.  Discuss the idea, without the 'make-wrong'.  "My friend Governor Perry said that if you don't agree with his position on giving instate tuition to illegals that you don't have a heart."  Followed by the cutesy statement, reeking with criticism, "if you're opposed to illegal immigration, it doesn't mean that you don't have a heart, it means you have a heart and a brain."  Totally unnecessary.  It is important that Romney stay above the fray and only contrast the ideas, only speak of the issues, and contrast performance with the other candidates without demeaning them. 'I respect the intent behind the law, but I disagree and this is why."  Perry, as any other, should be respected.  Do not fall to the level of what Obama does, although he does it quite skillfully - and the result is opposition and gridlock in performance but some 'political gain', theoretically.   You are a highly ethical man (as generally is true of Obama, with certain compromises of his integrity) and you should stick to the rhetoric of constructiveness.  See Ethics.

Contrast views, not making it personal or destructive,   Forget about "my opponent says" or "my opponent believes" and say "I disagree with ____.  I stand strongly for ______.  I believe (Mr./Mrs/Ms., by name)'s position is ....
Never use the term 'opponent' or any adversarial label, ever, for anyone of any party!


Although this site I'm writing right now is not a great example, as I have not devoted the time, I still suggest the following.

The entry page:  OK picture, ok message - but room for, in smaller print right below that words, where there are links into the topics: 

    Proven track record
    Proven expertise,
    Proven problem solving
    Proven record for all the people.

The home page:  The alternating pictures are fine, but you could have a box listing the same items to link into (before the picture flips to the next one). 

Videos...That you link into more of the effective videos that are grounding instead of just in some random order.   The video section should not be done in time order, as you would want to capture the essence first for the new viewer and let the interested go further if they wish.  At the top, link into the key videos and then have a section below that lays out "more videos as they come out". 

Reference linking into "Announces Foreign Policy ... Team" is OK, but it does not make a statement.  We've created a powerful team for...        .  And, on the linked page:  "Mitt Romney forms teams of well-qualified specialists, as his track record illustrates.  This is part of increasing the power harnessed for the greater good of the citizens of this nation!" 

The bio is so understated that it is ineffective.  The reader needs to be guided and to see the overview a bit easier.  Even something so simple as the box on this page (borrowed from the Evaluation Of Romney Page, so it may be updated more on that page). 

The endorsements section is a blur.  It would be powerful to list the ever increasing endorsements grouped by position, with a description of their position - so that we can see the powerful growing list of endorsements - otherwise I have no sense of it.

Issues section.  Visually I didn't see the subsection links so I thought it ended at one page.  The Jobs page should link to a subpage with key points - most people won't download, plus the type of download is more difficult - but they might be inclined to link into sections named, with each of those layered to link to items of interest there.  Of course, you'd explain the paths and why there are those alternatives.   It's hard to scroll down through 140 pages.  Incidentally, this is a very good plan.

No search engine...If someone wants to find out something, it is difficult to find.


P. S.  Some of the above is simply basic MBA thinking - and that is where you graduated Cum Laude from Harvard Business School. 

Rescued and made profitable 2002 Olympics

113 percent return on investment in management of businesses(!)

Mass. from $3 B deficit to $1B surplus plus rainy day fund

Covered uninsured on health, economically

Academic honors

Joint degrees with honors Harvard Law and Business Schools