See the Rating Politicians section. Reasoning, objectivity, and using facts to make decisions where there is sufficient knowledge to see distinctions. On a 1 to 10 scale, with 1 and 2 being pretty poor.
Relevant experience
Business/economic analytical
Stick to reasoning only
Able to be non-political, objective
Sticks to the facts
Consults well, enough
Educates public v. rhetoric
Ability to speak inspiringly
Track record
Overall suitability, capability
(Santorum is a 2.)
I appreciate his efforts and his idealism, but it didn't pan out, by any stretch of the imagination even. I do "like" him and was sorry to see his performance and drop down into politicization and evilizing.
Romney could be the best president ever based on his ability to solve problems and likelihood that he will greatly enhance efficiencies and effectiveness in government plus resolving the "third rail" problems that legislator won't touch: Social Security and Medicare, where the massive unfunded liabilities are treated as if invisible or to be dealt with later - completely irrational and unknowledgeable. See Evaluation of Romney.
Huntsman is not being recognized for his great record and abilities, so he is probably out. Comments on Huntsman..
Perry, though charismatic and attractive, is not fact-based and reasoning, though I would respect his religious beliefs.
Cain just does not have any concept of how it is to work in government and educating him may take a long time. We have seen what lack of experience, though Obama had much less, resulted in a huge learning curve and lots of problems.
Gingrich is too fixed, though extraordinarily smart and creative.
Bachmann is not even close to being qualified and is too far to the right to be elected anyway.