Communication Vs. Rhetoric
See also Issues, in main menu
Although we have a system with flaws in it, our democratic system is still the best.
But it can be greatly improved.
And there are barriers put up by the parties themselves and by the people, both of whom need higher level educations in what is going on and what the key factors are that work. Now it is largely governed by biases, being uninformed, and by personal interests that are not seen as fitting into a process of compromising to gain much more. It is all short term, so we get into long term problems.
I've heard several politicians (always Democrats) assert that there is no problem with social security. "It is the most wonderful thing - how dare you put it down and suggest there is a problem." (Barbara Boxer) "There is no problem with social security now. We don't need to deal with it." (Harry Reid) If these were executives, they would soon be fired for not being in touch with reality and for not having a long term view that was good for the company (country, in this case). There is an undeniable problem, which has urgency in that if we don't fix things now we will compound the problem until it is very, very painful to fix. See Social Security. See also Limiting Deficits.
America massive irresponsbility and consequence
create strategy - raaise teh level
Politics, adults needed
whistle will be blown,
rampant lack of education - socialism doesn't work, have to keep some incentivess
face up to energy problem, not the owl
name calling
need reason and facts, not posturing and ridiculing
Debt and deficits - irresponsbility priorities,havetogive up pets van Jones