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(Read Indiana Governer Mitch Daniels' excellent book, showing the excellent results (not just promises) and what works:  "Keeping The Republic")

Indiana addressed the health care cost problem in government by creating a Health Savings Account (HSA), where the state deposits $2,750 per year into an account controlled by the employee, out of which he pays all his health bills.  Unused fund would be the employee's permanent property.  (There are sharing arrangements and protections about a certain level to protect those who need to have high medical care costs.) [These plans were rejected wherever government unions were allowed in other states.]

The result was "a startlingly positive effect on costs for both employees and the state."

"The Indiana experience confirms what common sense already tells us: A system built on "cost-plus" reimbursement (i.e., the more a physician does, the more he or she gets paid) coupled with "free" to the purchaser consumption, is a machine perfectly designed to overconsume and overspend. It will never be controlled by top-down balloon-squeezing by insurance companies or the government. There will be no meaningful cost control until we are all cost controllers in our own right."

See his book or the article: Hoosiers And Health Savings Accounts.