Illegal immigrants come over for a reason - to tie into the benefits in the U.S.  The "head of the snake", the reason they come over, must be cut off so that they have no reason to come over the border.  Handling things this way will be cheaper than building a fence, which unfortunately we might have to do anyway to prevent easy entry by terrorists. 

Each person in the U.S. would have to have government identification.   To hire any person each person must have his fingerprint checked with the U.S. to verify his legality.  Any employer would  have a very, very high penalty for each violation, as the biggest deterrent for hiring an illegal and not checking.  The penalty should be $100,000, not forgivable by bankruptcy.  Yes, it is "excessive", but it should work.

Only people with a "guest worker" pass would be permitted to work, but only sufficient passes would be granted based on need.

And each person who was illegal would be immediately deported. 

There also should be no education provided for the illegals or their children.  Some would say "oh, but that's unfair to kids".  The responsibility for that is their parents', not the US.  We do not have a responsibility for non cititizens or nonlegal residents.


The logistics of trying to handle the estimated 12,000,000 (to 20,000,000) illegals would be prohibitively expensive.  Some would have to leave if they could not get a job. 


There is no validity to allowing the children of illegals to go to our schools - so the DREAM Act is not appropriate. 

But, then, again, there is a humanitarian angle to all of this.  So, people who are already in the US would have to register at the time, with no further registrations allowed after the deadline.  During the registration time, you'd have to thoroughly block the border with soldiers to fill the holes, so that a sudden surge of illegals wouldn't come over.   And then there would have to be  and then learn English

Pay a fine (for the crime of entering illegally), deported if conviction for any crime.
at least two sources say have been in country for at least 3 months, relatives or 1 employer...


The 14th amendment was designed to grant citizenship to and protect the civil liberties of recently freed slaves. It did this by prohibiting states from denying or abridging the privileges or immunities of citizens of the United States, depriving any person of his life, liberty, or property without due process of law, or denying to any person within their jurisdiction the equal protection of the laws.

Based on the above, there is currently no reason to continue to allow anybody born in the US to be a citizen automatically. In fact, it is ludicrously ridiculous to keep it in effect!

That amendment should be modified (by an amendment I suppose).   It is true that children of citizens who are out of the country at the time of birth should be citizens. 

There is no reason to let this go on for even one moment, regardless of whether any of the other suggestions above are considered. 

Review Children Of Illegals And Automatic Citizenship - not citizens, per 14th Amendment.

Consider in your review of this matter, the strategies proposed in The Dark Side Of Illegal Immigration.

most of our politicians do not have the fortitude or integrity to enforce the laws of the land
6.  Make violation of our immigration laws a conditional felony.
no language waivers, regardless of age.
The problem is that illegal immigrants are taking from society without giving anything in return. 
When an illegal immigrant gets treated at a hospital or gets an education in a school, it means that he has deprived some legal citizen the right to education or treatment

would give illegal immigrants already here a three-month grace period to apply for a temporary worker's visa. If they failed to apply within that time frame, they would be considered fugitives and would be found and deported. Once they applied and qualified for a temporary worker's visa, these immigrants would be placed on a two-year probationary period (the original 1790 requirement of residency). At the completion of that time, and if they remained in good standing, they would be issued a permanent worker's visa. And, after an additional three years (completing the five-year residency requirement from the Naturalization Act of 1795), they would qualify to apply for U.S. citizenship.

During their two-year probationary period, it would be their responsibility to check in to assigned governing officials and prove their productivity and progress as a part of the American landscape. Criteria would, of course, be established by Congress (as the Constitution requires) but enforced by local probationary personnel from the departments of naturalization in a similar way that probation officers monitor people on probation. If immigrants don't "check in," and do not have a good reason for not doing so, they will be deported. If they are law-breakers, they will be deported. If they don't demonstrate a good moral standing and aren't productive members of their community, they will be deported.

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