A key question, and perhaps a challenge, would be whether Mubarak will show evidence to back up his claim of loving the Egyptian people - which he can do now by setting up a charitable foundation for the benefit of the Egyptian people. This would totally change his legacy to one not equaled by any other citizen of Egypt.
A wonderful, historic victory for the people and the form of government that serves people, democracy. Overcoming despotic rule, corruption, abuse of human rights and of people...
I would have thought that the government would have played the same old games of misinformation and force and that there would have been little change. Now, as long as they seek help to speed things up and make better decisions, there will likely be much progress as we go from the old primitive style of ruling to the more workable way of working with the people instead of against the people.
If Egypt can make a complete conversion, help and support will come streaming in from all over the world, plus lots of companies will come, causing an economic surge that has rarely been seen.
With the very high unemployment, a free economy would be advantageous to the people, for it will allow rapid investment of capital. The wages will be low initially because of the large supply of workers available from the pool of the unemployed. Those low wages will attract employers. But those employers will only come in if the country is stable and safe for them - and profitable. The typically repressive regimes require that each company be owned 51% by the country or its people - but in free countries there is no such requirement. Removing that current requirement will create opportunity for capital investment and new companies to provide employment.
This could be a wonderful examply of possibility that could open up the world even further and make the world a better place, where we are producing something rather than fighting over, and destroying, the few resources available in the poorer countries.
Islamic extremists can only do well under bad conditions, with false promises that offer hope to latch onto.
With 30% of the people being illiterate, the increase in productivity will be great just from improving education. This is where Mubarak's foundation could make a big difference. And there also should be other foundations set up.
Being written, notes:
to get prosperity, safe place for businesses to cooperatively set up facilities and to employ more citizens. and get rid of corruption.
Egypt allow election monitors if nothing to hide. Mubarak may not have been legitimate choice.
rampant system of bribes which citizens must pay to navigate governmental bureaucracy.
The extensive 249-page report, entitled "Corruption in Egypt: The Black Cloud is Not Disappearing", was complied by Kifaya members with information from local and international reports, information from Transparency International and the UNDP, court and legal records and Egyptian media sources.
"Corruption, as the report shows, is the primary reason for the loss of so many development opportunities and for the destruction of public associations. It is impossible for the nation to rise up without putting an end to it."
Egypt earned a score of 3.4 out 10 in the Berlin-based Transparency International's 2005 Corruption Perceptions Index, which is compiled though surveys from 10 institutions. This put the country at 70th out of 158 nations surveyed. While this is a vast improvement over the 1.1 that Egypt earned in the late 90s, Egypt still falls below the 5-point mark, above which a country is said not to have a serious problem with corruption.
"If this money were not being stolen, it could be used for new investments that could create jobs for the unemployed and help them help themselves," he said. "It could give them a constant source of income through honest employment instead of creating a breeding ground for violence, crime and political extremism or leading to a tragically impoverished human existence."
an immature world,where people kill easily, sadly and , imposing problem son their own people...they can't win,they can onoy cause loss - no win!
does not speak well of the people and the government.
priitive no right to righteousness about their peosition being superior to others
afight of resaon against the muslim brotherhood, a fight of goood people, who will win?
allowing corruptoion, stealing from the muslims and causing them to not be as well off, no cpital formation.
most workers are at least partly dependent on state subsidies.
There is significant scope for a rapid acceleration of growth through an improvement in skill levels, an increase in efficiency and the creation of a more business-friendly environment. Egypt's geographical location is a notable competitive advantage, as it links Africa and Asia and is close to Europe. The Suez Canal is a key conduit for trade between Europe and the Mediterranean basin and southern Asia.
Egypt's working-age population will continue to expand until 2030
Demographic trends: Some 95% of Egyptians live on 5% of the land, or an area less than one-tenth the size of France (which has a smaller population). Such high population density has some advantages: distribution is relatively simple and access to labour is unproblemati
However, there is a risk that the projects, which demand heavy investment, could be a damaging drain on state resources. Despite desert reclamation projects, the amount of land available for cultivation has remained more or less constant, as land has been lost to industrial and urban expansion. Egypt, which was a net food exporter as recently as the early 1970s, has become one of the world's largest food importers, and, unless reclamation proceeds far quicker than now seems possible, the volume of food that it has to source from abroad will only grow.
must rally for an effective banking policy to enable a fruitful relationship between financial institutions and companies seeking to carry out oil and gas developments.
It has the sixth largest proved oil reserves in Africa.
GDP $469.8 billion (2009 est.)
GDP growth 4.7% (2009 est.)
GDP per capita $5,500 (PPP) (2008 est.)
Opportunity cost of conflict
A report[8] by Strategic Foresight Group has calculated the opportunity cost of conflict for Egypt since 1991 is almost $800 billion. In other words, had there been peace since 1991, an average Egyptian citizen would be earning over $3000 instead of $1700 he or she may earn next year.